This one's for you, Marcia!!
On Valentines Day this year we wrote letters to all the teachers and staff that help us each week. Ali wanted to write one to Marcia (Miss Gladwish). Even though she had left in December I told him it was fine, that I would email her a copy. Well, I'm finally getting around to it, Marcia! :)
Here is the letter to you.
Here is Ali "delivering" it to you via the Internet! :)
Do you remember him? Isn't he a sweetie?
Well, a couple days ago the child sitting next to Ali brought me this letter and pictures that Ali had drawn.....
I wish ALL the kids knew how much "beter" it would be for the teacher and for them!!! :)
I love this part, Marica....look at his great drawings of "quiet" and "not quiet"! They are pretty amazing!
A boy sleeping and he is counting sheep!!
Then a boy playing the drums!
Guess which one our room sounds like sometimes!????!
Ali is a very quiet boy and I'm sure the noise bothers him as much as me. I think I may have finally figured out what I need to do about the noise level in the class room.
Grow two heads - one to watch the kids and catch them the minute they talk and punish them and one to actually teach and be able to look down and help someone without the class all starting to talk the minute I look down.
To hire a bouncer that would sit in the front of the room. When he sees someone talking he would deal with it and I could keep on teaching!!
The first idea probably isn't possible and I probably can't afford the second one, but I'm tempted to start saving my dirham!! :)
Meanwhile, I'll do my best to keep the kids around Ali quiet and working! He's a great kid and very artistic. We MISS you Marcia!! Blessings to you and your work in Nicaragua! xoxo |