This was dinner tonight.......??!! We have a little pastearia across the street from us that Marcia loves to visit daily. Today she found these treats! We aren't really sure what they are....the one on the left tasted kind of like pizza and the one on the right was a little sandwich. Very interesting food here! :)
Well, I am on my blog AND able to load some photos because my hero "Missy Jensen" was online for about an hour and a half tonight helping me figure things out!! Thank you Missy!! Love you!!!
So, I can do it, the sad part is that now it is 11:40 pm my time and I have to go to teacher training in the am, so I must go to bed. That said, it is really loud outside my window right now. The Muslims just finished with prayer again and are ready to eat again......Ramadan....three more weeks and things will get back to "normal" they tell us! :)
Marcia and I really took it easy today.....well, we stayed around home all day anyway. We finished arranging the apt., did some laundry, hung it on the deck to dry (no dryer....which isn't a big deal now, but winter may be another story), walked on the beach.....
Great things that happened today: (it's the simple things that are making my day lately!!)
finding a penny in the bottom of my bags as I unpacked them (finding a penny anywhere is a good, even lucky thing....right??) :)
finding BOTH of my pair of sunglasses in my baggage AND after the quick move, de-bugging and all they were neither one broke!!!
having a really nice landlord and wife (she from Switzerland and he from Morocco)
Funny things that happened today:
Marcia was standing on a chair reaching to the top of her window to fix the blinds and having trouble with it. A man walks by down below and offers to help her. She says OK! and he says he'll be back in one hour...............THEN she says to me.....I THINK that was our landlord, but I'm not for sure!!!!! So, she proceeds to put her computer away (he might be a robber) and then put her long sleeved blouse on (he might be Moroccan.....heaven forbid he see her elbows!!). Then we pace.....what if it wasn't the landlord??? Who do you think it was????? Do we let just anyone in????
Well, it was the landlord and he was great! He couldn't fix it today. He needs a ladder.....he assessed the situation and said, "oh, this is bad....." French, of course! (Marcia knows a lot of French....thank goodness!) Tells us he will be back tomorrow...OK?? We smile and say...OK!
Well, off to bed..........more tomorrow!
Blessings to all of you. Much love,
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