Wow....where did the week go? We arrived back in Casa on Sunday from our four day trip to Madrid. Then Monday came and I have been on the go every since busy with school.
Yesterday was a fun day at school. We were celebrating the holiday El Aid Kaber that is coming up next week.
These are two of my student's dads in front of the sign for the festival.
This crazy big blown up tea pot sat outside of the cafeteria! The children loved it!
A group of my co-teacher friends....the art teacher, the Music teacher from south Africa, the other 2nd grade teacher from MI, the reading specialist also from south Africa and the high school ESL teacher from CA.
My kids and me dressed up in our Morocco goods! :) What fun!!

The little girls in their fancy outfits looked so cute!
They brought in about 20 large carpets to cover the cafeteria floor for the festival. Here is one of my students, Sarah F, from Brazil standing in the middle of one of the rugs.
The lady painting henna on the children.
A man selling Moroccan wears...
Children singing on stage.
A little girl all dressed up in her "jellaba" and enjoying showing off her henna!
They also had a man doing calligraphy. I paid for him to write my name in Arabic!
It says: mortsdniL lliJ (Jill Lindstrom)
In small print underneath he told me he wrote: God Bless her!
So, if was a fun day at school celebrating El Aid Kaber. Now next Wed. the real celebration comes. All week this week and next the families are trying hard to scrape up enough money to buy their family a sheep. There is a lot of stealing these two weeks as the families are desperate to buy a lamb. We were told to be extra careful because of this issue. The families will slaughter the lambs in front of their houses on Wed. am and then roast it all day for a big dinner. They believe the lamb is being sacrificed for their sins. We have Wed., Thurs. and Friday off work sooo.....we are leaving Wed. am (to avoid this gruesome holiday) for Florence, Italy for a five day weekend! We bought tickets on Easy Jet again for cheap and Marcia tells me I will love the art and the beauty in Italy. I can't wait!!
I loved your pictures from Madrid!! What an experience for you and your fellow teachers. Have fun in Italy this week, and hopefully no more problems with unruly airplane passengers. I'm sure you were scared to death, things could have turned out really bad. God Bless and have a safe trip.