Seems like I'm waiting on a lot of things lately.... like for the puddles to dry up! And to find out if the computer will take the grades I entered today for mid-term grades. (The computer and I have had an ongoing fight with grades and report cards this year!) And to decide where and when I would fly home. (I finally got tired of waiting to make the decision and just booked a flight the other night.) And waiting on a wonderful job opportunity to come my way!...still waiting on that one! |

Meanwhile, I go for long walks....This particular day I saw a few interesting people on my walk. This is a typical Moroccan lady walking along the road ahead of me. She is covered head to toe and then carrying a baby on her back with a blanket covering the baby. Women here are pretty amazing! They are strong and quiet and sweet and friendly!
Then I walked by the neighborhood park. The kids have a tree wedged in between another tree and are making it their teeter-totter! They kick soccer balls and tin cans. They seem to do a great job of making up their own games and keeping themselves occupied while the grown-ups are busy. The children stare at me as I walk by and will sometimes smile! |
This is a much needed project. They are digging ditches along side the road and putting in some drainage systems!! When it rains here it rains very hard and the roads flood very easily. Hopefully all their hard work will pay off the roads won't flood as quickly!! |
I had pulled over in my car at this point and was reading/watching the ocean and (of course) people watching. This man is a typical Moroccan man wearing his jellaba and flat little hat! |
Next I headed down to Jack's Beach area where the surfers hang out. There were a lot of them on this particular day. The water is a little chilly this time of year, so most of them had on wet suits. |
A while back I included a photo of a fisherman on the shore and mentioned he had all his belongings with him....his bike, fishing pole and a few bags of odds and ends. Well, now there are about 3 or 4 fishermen that are hanging out with him. They set up this umbrella to keep sun, wind, rain away. They have their poles all up along the edge of the water and they sit very content to chat the afternoon away. |
This cute little place is at the end of my walking route. The sidewalk goes up to this garage and house and stops. So I turn around and walk back to my car. I would love to see the inside of this place! The gate is never open and I never see anyone around. But the wall goes all around the house and is right up next to the water. I'm thinking they probably have big time trouble with mold, but how fun to live right on the water!! :) |
I stood for quite a while watching this fisherman as the tide was coming in. The waves were getting closer and closer to him and crashing against the wall he was standing on. The sound, the mist from the spray and the size of the waves were all so mesmerizing. |
These were my purchases for the day... 12 strips of thinly sliced bacon (very hard to find in Morocco), fresh bread from across the street, carrots, an onion, coca- light (Diet Coke) and a box of cookies that I was taking to a gathering later that day. | | | | | | | | |
Well.........now I'm waiting for my laundry to finish so I can run up two flights of steps to get them, bring them down, hang them up to dry and then, you guessed it....I will wait some more... :) I'm really getting to be a pretty good "waiter"! :) Have a great day everyone!
Thank you for your excellent writing, Jill. I miss our walks!