This little guy drove me crazy when I first started the year. He would talk constantly, goof off and laugh at any kind of punishment I gave him. He went from getting C's to D's by Oct and was headed in a bad direction. The mom was wonderful all along and wanted to do whatever needed to be done. I suggested a tutor and more firmness at home when he did something wrong in school. I explained that it is only second grade now, but if he doesn't take school seriously, this behavior could get much worse by the time he is in Middle School.
Well..... he got an A+ on his reading test this week AND he came to me with a book he had bought at the book fair. He read part of it to me and said, "Miss, I really like this book!" (He hated reading earlier!) I feel like his tutor, his parents and I really helped him turn a corner and I was SOOOO pleased I got tears in my eyes. A perfect gift on this week of Mother's Day! :)
The photo is of Fahd, Habiba(his wonderful tutor and my good friend), and myself. The picture was taken on a Friday that we had a "free dress" day for anyone that had read books and achieved their goal. When Fahd came in a tux with tails I complimented him on looking handsome and then asked why he chose those clothes. His answer: "Miss, it is all I had in my closet!" The funniest part was at recess when he was out playing soccer with the other kids in his tux and tails. Then I noticed the length of the pants....about 3 inches too short and realized his mom probably thought....why not? he won't be fitting into this much longer anyway!! :D
Fahd made my Mother's Day very special this year! It really reminded me why I LOVE teaching!
But, these three kids are my REAL joy on Mother's Day and every day of the year!!! MY own kids! I can't be with them this year, but am thinking back to past years and smiling at the memories! (Well, except for that ONE year.....that little sky diving adventure!) :)
Love you and miss you,
Happy Mother's Day Jill. It sounds like you may be home next year to celebrate with your family?? I love your blog, and I am sorry to hear about your Aunt Carol, I did see her many times over the years. I will remember her in my prayers.