Greetings from one tuckered out gal in Morocco!
Oh my.....this has been an exhausting week! The heat, the lack of AC, the amount of work to be done to be ready for school next Wed. and Open House on Mon and Tues, the disorganization of the school, EVERYTHING just takes FOREVER to do and is SO hard!!!!
We stayed until 6 tonight, came home, grabbed a bite to eat and then headed to the beach for a short walk. We had the beach to ourselves because everyone had headed home for their big meal of the day. Our walks on the beach are soooo wonderful. I have always been a "mountain gal", but the beach is sooo relaxing and soothing after a long day. It's like the water between my toes is washing away all the stress!! Then we come home, I shower all the sweat from our hard day off, come to my room, plug in the mosquito spray, turn on the fan and fall into bed!!! Ahhhhhhhh........maybe I am too old for this tough place! A new, young friend gave me a Bible verse today that was PERFECT for the day.....Isaiah 41:9 - 10!!
Okay, are you ready for a few photos??
The first one today is of a Muslim lady walking with four little ones on the beach. I asked if I could take their photo, she smiled and said yes...they were adorable!
Next is the donkey cart and man that come to our neighborhood every day about the time we get home and sell us fruits. He has wonderful fruit for us. New foods I tried this week: a fig and a cactus fruit. They were both very interesting to look at and to eat!!
The next photo is of a small strip of grass and beautiful flowering trees right out in front of our place. One day this week I felt car alarm went off and on (it has a mind of it's own!!). We looked up and the same man that had been down on his hands and knees the night before cutting the grass with clippers jumped up (from sleeping) and started cutting the grass again! Opps!
The last two photos are of our home. The kitchen and the deck on top of the building. We have one floor above us (a German Pilot supposedly lives there...we have yet to see him!). So, we come in the front door and come up a flight of lovely marble curving steps to the second floor to our door, one more floor to his door and then one more set of steps to the roof. On the roof we have our laundry (35 steps above our apt to be exact!) and some deck furniture and a wonderful view of the city and the ocean.
Well, as I said, I am totally wiped out tonight.....I am headed to bed. PLEASE, pray for strength, patience and's been a pretty rough week! Thanks!!
Jill. really enjoying your blog! I am sorry you have such heat to deal with, I am always so glad for cooler weather. Your rooftop patio sounds so great, especially the ocean view and breezes. Hope you will get some of those Moraccan food recipes for us! The food looks so good!